Tazz Weatherly

What is Home Staging?

Selling your house is an exciting aspect of life. Most people go through this process at some point. One crucial feature to selling your home is the staging. Staging your home involves making it look presentable and appealing to potential buyers using furniture and other accessories.

An experienced Realtor can walk you through the aspects that you need to pay attention to when setting up your home for viewing by potential buyers. Successful staging takes into account the type of real estate you have and structural features of your home.

What is Staging?

Staging your living structure sets it up to make a good impression on those who will tour it. The interior of your home should be comfortable and inspiring, but it is also vital to prepare your landscaping and exterior features of your house.

When you are staging a home for selling, no aspect is too small. Just as you would pay attention to the walls and the floors, give attention to smaller things such as the table settings and arrangement of your decorative belongings.

No matter what the real estate market in your area is like, studies have shown that with proper staging, a home sells more quickly. This is an essential step that will equal big returns for you.

Why is Staging Important?

As mentioned, a well-staged home will generally sell faster and for more money. Although many Boise real estate agents will charge you extra for this service, at Real Estate with Tazz we believe that staging should be part of the overall marketing plan for selling your home and is always included at no additional cost.

Helping potential buyers see the home as it would look if lived in is crucial to getting them emotionally vested in your home. The more emotionally vested they are, the more likely they are to make an offer at or above your asking price.

Should You Stage Your Home?

The power of having a home well staged cannot be overstated. We can guide you on the best way to prepare your home and we can get the most eyes on your property. While many people think that the importance of hiring a professional to stage their home is not necessary, it is crucial to putting your house on the Boise real estate market. At Real Estate with Tazz we have a vetted list of professional home stagers that we work with and will coordinate every aspect of the staging. For your part, the process is very simple since we are doing all the heavy lifting (both literally and figuratively!)

Staging your home can also put a spotlight on the unique features of your home as well as allow your viewers to 'mentally move in'. Professional stagers can set it up to make it easier for people to project their lives on your walls.

How Much Does Staging a Home Typically Cost?

The cost of staging your home can vary quite widely. Some people can spend as little as a couple hundred dollars while those with larger homes can spend up to a couple thousand dollars.

However, when you hire the team at Real Estate with Tazz we cover those costs. If you are working with another Realtor, be sure to ask them about staging and if it is included in their commission or if you have to pay for it separately.

What Parts of my Home Require the Most Attention?

Preparing your home for an imminent sale can be as easy as you want it to be. You should pay attention to every feature in your home as well as the ones that are on the exterior.

Just as you want to make the interior of your home look cozy and comfortable, you will want to set up a small entertainment area in your yard or add decor to porches that will intrigue and add to the curb appeal. The curb appeal of your home is just as important as the appearance of the rooms on the inside.

You may ask yourself, 'Do I need to stage my home?' The answer is always a resounding YES. Not only will this help your home sell faster but it can also increase the price of it. You want people to imagine their lives happening in your home. We can help you transform your space from a blank canvas to a masterpiece that attracts event the most discerning eye.

One final word: staging a house can be done on your own, but it is always better to hire a professional. You will get quality help as well as an objective opinion.

When you are ready to list your home we hope that you give us here at Real Estate with Tazz an opportunity to help you sell your home fast and for top dollar. To find out what makes us different, I would encourage you to download our complimentary Listing Implementation Plan. In it you will see how we go the extra mile to give you the service that you deserve. To get your copy, please click on the banner below…



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Tazz Weatherly

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One comment on “What is Home Staging?”

  1. Preparing the interior of a home as much as possible definitely sounds like the most important aspect of staging. This definitely feels right considering how large our open-floor plan is and how it would need to look as attractive as possible to a buyer. I'll make sure I get a home staging agent to assist me with this so any transaction we get goes well.

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